Retirement Announcement from Beaumont Police Chief James P. Singletary

Retirement Announcement from Beaumont Police Chief James P. Singletary
Chief James Singletary

After 53 years of dedicated service to Law Enforcement, including the last 12 as the Police Chief of Beaumont, James P. Singletary has announced his retirement, effective March 31, 2024.

Singletary expressed mixed emotions as he made the decision, emphasizing that it was not taken lightly. In a statement, he said, “After reflection and consideration, I believe the time has come for me to embark on a new chapter of my life.”

During his tenure, Chief Singletary commended the dedication and commitment of the Beaumont Police Department’s officers, staff, and community partners. He expressed immense pride in the collective achievements and the professionalism and resilience demonstrated by the entire team.

Singletary extended his deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the department’s success, stating, “Your support, hard work, and shared vision for a safer community have been a driving force behind our successes.”

The retiring Police Chief emphasized the enduring bridges of trust and collaboration built during his time, expressing confidence in leaving the department in capable hands. Singletary acknowledged the commitment to excellence, integrity, and community engagement that will continue to guide the Beaumont Police Department under the leadership team.

Singletary concluded his announcement by saying goodbye to the role of Police Chief but not to the relationships and memories created during his tenure. He thanked the Beaumont community for the privilege and honor of serving as their Chief of Police, expressing hope for a safer and more unified community in the future.

Following the retirement announcement, Facebook has been flooded with messages expressing gratitude and appreciation for Chief Singletary.

“The man is an institution, an inspiration, and has been a mentor to so, so many officers and leaders over his career. I’m one of them who had the pleasure of learning and growing under his wing and in his shadows, and for that, will always be grateful. Best wishes friend, you’ve done amazingly well.”, posted Jimmy Ellison.

“I’ll never forget your kindness and belief you had in me when few did. The parole board had NEVER seen a letter from a police chief asking to let someone out of prison. You are an incredible servant leader.”, posted Damon West.

“Congratulations to a man that was my supervisor, my mentor and my friend! You influenced me in so many ways for my path as a law enforcement officer! I wanted to be just like you in my role as an officer, instructor, and a supervisor down the road. You helped make police work so much fun there! Congratulations in retirement, Chief!! I will see you down the road and we can catch up!”, posted Greg Jonas.

In a lighthearted post, Nancy Currie shared her memory, “I remember Little Jimmy Singletary from the playground at Fletcher Elementary & how I thought it was so cool you lived right across the street & could come swing & play anytime on the (now outlawed) equipment we kids loved! I have followed your career at BPD & am always proud to read of your many innovations & accomplishments! Best wishes for a healthy & funfilled retirement!”