Fort Bend County Approves State-of-the-Art Training Complex for Law Enforcement, Enhancing Firearms and Tactical Skills

In a significant development for law enforcement in Fort Bend County, a state-of-the-art training complex has been approved by the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court. The facility, dedicated to firearms training, marks the county’s first-ever center of its kind, offering a range of resources for the Sheriff’s Office and officers from other agencies.
Since its establishment in 1837, the Sheriff’s Office had relied on outdoor firearms ranges owned by external law enforcement entities for training purposes. The need for a dedicated training center became apparent in 2021 when scheduling difficulties and the lack of available classrooms prompted the initiative.
The new complex, approved on September 26, 2023, will feature a ½ mile concrete driving track, a skills tower for SWAT teams, a K9 training area, a physical fitness center, a padded defensive tactics room, and a computer lab. The comprehensive facility aims to enhance the skills and proficiency of law enforcement personnel in the region.
Funded by the Fort Bend County Texas Public Facility Corporation, a $150 million County Property Lease was approved to support the construction of the training complex by CFC-EpiCenter. Fort Bend County will lease the land and building at an annual cost of $7.5 million over a 30-year period, after which ownership will be transferred to the county.
Sheriff Eric Fagan expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “This is an outstanding opportunity for law enforcement personnel in Fort Bend County and this region to receive skills-based training in a modern facility with a quality firearms range, well-designed driving track, progressive computer lab, and technologically advanced classrooms.” Sheriff Fagan emphasized the importance of the modern training complex in keeping employees highly trained, skilled, and competent to provide quality public safety services to the community.