Teen-involved Collision in El Paso: Speed and Alcohol Factors Lead to Intoxicated Manslaughter Charge

On January 27th, 2024, El Paso Special Traffic Investigators responded to a single vehicle collision at the 900 block of Carlotta and the 9400 Block of Marne.
The preliminary investigation revealed a 2012 Yellow Honda Civic was traveling south on Carlotta at a high rate of speed as it approached a T-intersection at the 9400 block of Marne.
The driver, 18-year-old Nathan Rudy Rodriguez, failed to make a turn and continued traveling straight at a high rate of speed, ultimately colliding with a rock wall.
The passenger, 19-year-old Jesus Manuel Ceniceros, sustained fatal injuries in the collision and was declared dead at the scene.
El Paso PD’s investigation determined that the main contributing factors in this collision were speed and alcohol. Rodriguez was subsequently arrested and charged with Intoxicated Manslaughter. Judge Ruben Nunez set the bail at $150,000.