San Benito Man Arrested for Assault Following Domestic Dispute

On Sunday, January 14, 2024, at approximately 22:00hrs, Cameron County Sheriff Deputies responded to a call at a residence on the 25000 block of Avenida Margaret in San Benito regarding an assault. Upon arrival, deputies made contact with a 29-year-old female victim.
The victim reported that she and her common law husband, identified as 30-year-old Jose Hernandez, were consuming alcoholic beverages while watching a football game on television. According to the victim, Mr. Hernandez became upset when discussing her previous relationships. She reported that Mr. Hernandez struck her on the left side of her face and grabbed her around the neck area.
Although the victim did not lose circulation or ability to breathe, she expressed fear due to Mr. Hernandez’s actions. The victim further reported that Mr. Hernandez struck her multiple times with a closed fist to her face area. Sheriff Deputies observed injuries on the victim’s face, including a large bump on her forehead, indicative of an assault.
Sheriff Deputies subsequently arrested Mr. Jose Hernandez and transported him to the Carrizales Rucker Detention Center, where he awaits arraignment. Mr. Hernandez faces a charge of Assault F/V TPC 22.01, classified as a Class A Misdemeanor.