Navasota Man Receives Life Sentence for Sexual Abuse of Children

Navasota Man Receives Life Sentence for Sexual Abuse of Children
Larry Dean Cole

Larry Dean Cole of Navasota, Texas, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the sexual abuse of several children in the Timbergreen neighborhood between 2004 and 2015. The verdict was delivered by Judge Phil Grant after a two-day trial, which began on September 25, 2023.

Chief Prosecutor Laura Bond and Assistant District Attorney Tamara Tyler led the prosecution, meticulously presenting evidence of Cole’s heinous crimes. ADA Tyler described Cole as a man who had turned the Timbergreen neighborhood into his “playground” and referred to the victims as his “toys.”

During the trial, it was revealed that Cole had manipulated and abused multiple boys, luring them with parties, hunting trips, and alcohol. The prosecution’s case included testimony from six victims, who independently described similar patterns of abuse. Witnesses also testified about Cole’s tactics to prevent the victims from reporting the abuse immediately.

In the punishment phase, the prosecution offered heart-wrenching testimonies from the victims’ family members, highlighting the immense suffering and challenges the boys faced due to Cole’s actions. Judge Phil Grant ultimately sentenced Cole to life imprisonment, with no possibility of parole for at least thirty years. Additionally, Cole will be required to register as a sex offender for life.

Chief Prosecutor Laura Bond praised the bravery of the victims and their families, stating, “Larry Cole has finally been sent to the very place he belongs. This would not have been possible without the extraordinary bravery and tremendous courage of those who came forward to do the right thing at all stages of the investigation in this case. These families have suffered through a prolonged nightmare, but at long last, justice has found Larry Cole.”

District Attorney Brett Ligon expressed gratitude for the jury’s decision, saying, “Larry Cole took a neighborhood’s trust in one another and twisted it into something evil. Life imprisonment was the only appropriate response to this evil, and we are grateful that our Montgomery County Jury and a Montgomery County Judge did what needed to be done.”