Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan Elected Chair of Houston HIDTA Executive Board

Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan Elected Chair of Houston HIDTA Executive Board
Sheriff Eric Fagan

Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan has been elected as the Chair of the Houston High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Executive Board. Having joined the board in 2021, Sheriff Fagan previously held the position of Vice Chair and, on November 16, 2023, he was unanimously chosen to lead the board for a one-year term until November 2024.

Established by Congress in 1988 with the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, the HIDTA Program aims to coordinate and assist federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies in addressing regional drug threats to reduce drug trafficking and production in the United States. Comprising 33 regional HIDTAs across the country, the program works towards disrupting the market for illegal drugs and improving the efficiency of HIDTA initiatives.

The Houston HIDTA Executive Board, chaired by Sheriff Fagan, includes leaders from 20 area law enforcement agencies, with a focus on assessing drug trafficking threats, developing strategies, creating initiatives, and proposing funding to implement these initiatives. The board encompasses 10 local and state agencies as well as 10 federal agencies.

Houston HIDTA Director Mike McDaniel acknowledges Sheriff Fagan’s active three-year tenure on the board, citing his valuable input based on extensive law enforcement experience. McDaniel emphasizes the challenges posed by the regional and national overdose epidemic and expresses confidence in Sheriff Fagan’s leadership to address these issues.

“I take great pride in serving on the Houston HIDTA Executive Board, recognizing the significant benefits and resources it provides to Fort Bend County,” says Sheriff Fagan. “Our unwavering commitment ensures we will persist in the crucial fight against drug trafficking and drug overdoses, striving for a safer and healthier community.”