Commercial Building Fire in Greater Uptown Area

Commercial Building Fire in Greater Uptown Area

A commercial building located at 7676 Woodway Dr in the Greater Uptown Area experienced a fire incident on the evening of December 5, 2023, at approximately 9:10 p.m. Thankfully, no injuries were reported.

Firefighters responded to an automatic alarm and upon arrival, observed smoke emanating from the first floor of the three-story structure. The situation escalated, leading to an upgraded response. Upon entering through the main entrance, crews encountered heavy smoke.

The fire, which was traced back to Christmas decorations on the first floor, was quickly extinguished. A primary search of the building revealed no occupants, and the fire was contained to the first floor, with smoke presence on the second and third floors.

To ventilate the smoke, firefighters employed fans on-site. A total of 34 personnel, including firefighters from Stations 2, 5, 28, 51, 60, 69, 57, and the Village Fire Department, responded to the incident.

Houston Fire Department Arson investigators later determined that the cause of the fire was accidental, resulting from an extension cord covered by a potted plant and a plastic container. The estimated property saved is valued at $5,970,000, with an estimated damage cost of $30,000.