Austin ISD Police Officer Stable After Unprovoked Shooting Near Northeast Early College High School

A member of the Austin ISD Police Department is in stable condition after being shot near Northeast Early College High School on Tuesday morning. The incident took place at approximately 10:40 a.m. close to the school’s location at 7105 Berkman Dr.
Authorities report that the shooting was unprovoked, with no prior interaction between the officer and the suspect. Following the incident, the school resource officer for the campus arrived as backup and provided assistance to the injured officer. The wounded officer was subsequently transported to the hospital, where he is reported to be in stable condition.
Law enforcement officers from both the AISD Police Department and the Austin Police Department are currently conducting a search in the vicinity of the school for the suspect, who is considered armed and dangerous. Community members are advised to avoid coming to the campus during this time.
The injured officer is responsible for patrolling multiple campuses and was conducting his routine check of Northeast Early College when the shooting occurred, according to AISD police.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a statement expressing support: “Our hearts are with the family and loved ones of the Austin ISD police officer who was shot near Northeast Early College High School today. Our ISD police officers play a critical role in keeping Texas students and school faculty safe. The State of Texas is offering all available resources to local law enforcement partners who are working to ensure this dangerous criminal is caught and brought to justice. Cecilia and I ask our fellow Texans to join us in praying for the officer’s swift recovery and the entire Northeast Early College High School community.”