Angleton Police Searching for Missing 13-Year-Old Amidst Speculation of Runaway

The Angleton Police Department is actively searching for 13-year-old Karley Smart, who was reported as a runaway on January 2, 2024. Smart, a white female with red hair, was last seen at her residence around 2:00 pm.
Officers conducting the initial investigation received information from children in the neighborhood that Smart had entered a blue pickup truck. Subsequently, one of Smart’s friends revealed rumors suggesting that female friends might be assisting her in running away.
A video has been obtained by the Angleton Police Department, showing Smart walking down the street near her residence with a backpack shortly after she was last seen.
As a precautionary measure, on January 3, 2024, the Angleton Police Department contacted the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). According to Texas DPS Amber alert criteria, a child aged 13 or younger taken without permission from the care of a parent or legal guardian by someone unrelated and more than three years older warrants an Amber alert.
While an Amber alert has been issued, it is important to note that current investigative information leans towards Smart voluntarily running away from home. The reported entry into a blue pickup truck is considered speculative at this point, with no concrete evidence supporting the claim.
The Angleton Police Department is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of Karley Smart. The investigation is ongoing.