Serious Crash Unfolds in Crosby: Garbage Truck Overturns, Driver in Critical Condition
On Thursday, December 28, 2023, Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputies rushed to the scene of a major crash in the 4000 block of Holy Rd, near 1942 in Crosby, Texas.
Preliminary findings indicate that a garbage truck overturned, with three individuals ejected from the vehicle. The 68-year-old driver of the garbage truck was airlifted in critical condition, while the other two occupants, aged 39 and 22, who were riding on the outside of the truck, jumped off when it began to roll. Both were subsequently transported to a medical facility by ambulance.
Investigations revealed that a large pothole was the likely cause of the garbage truck flipping over into a nearby ditch. Officials were unable to confirm the exact speed of the truck, but they reported that the impact resulted in the back right tire blowing out, leading to the rollover crash in the ditch.
Further details about the incident are under investigation as authorities work to piece together the sequence of events leading to the crash.