Woman Arrested in East El Paso Following Owl Point Avenue Party Shooting

Woman Arrested in East El Paso Following Owl Point Avenue Party Shooting
Nikita Davis

On September 9, 2023, law enforcement responded to an incident of dangerous behavior on Owl Point Avenue, occurring at around 11:50 PM. Upon their arrival, officers observed several young individuals fleeing the vicinity. An inspection of the area led to the discovery of discharged bullet casings in front of the residence belonging to a person named Davis. The police proceeded to secure the area while searching for potential victims. Subsequently, the Gang unit was summoned to oversee the investigation. During their inquiry, investigators engaged in a conversation with Davis, who informed them that she had been present at the gathering when gunshots were fired.

Further investigation unveiled that the son of the homeowner had organized a party during the weekend when the homeowners were away. However, a larger crowd attended than initially anticipated. The investigation eventually determined that Davis had discharged a firearm into the air that night.

On September 12, 2023, officers acquired an arrest warrant for Nikita Kahmel Bray Davis, aged 45, hailing from East El Paso. She was apprehended and taken into custody at the El Paso County Detention Facility.